Where the Bullets Go
Directed by Cody DuncumCast: Rob Wilds, Tamara Todres, Taylor Novak, Tucker Cook
- Narrative Shorts
- United States
- Drama, Mystery, Thriller
- 13 mins
When a young boy shoots at a bird and misses, he embarks on a search to find where the bullet went.
Plays in
Tears for Fears (Narrative Shorts #8)
Beneath the surface of fear lies a deeper dread—one rooted in the darkest corners of the human experience….
Dates & Times
Tears for Fears (Narrative Shorts #8)
The Independent Picture House
September 26, 2024
7:45 pm
Buy tickets to Tears for Fears (Narrative Shorts #8) - 9/26/24 @ 7:45 pm